Friday, July 14, 2017

Review: The 25 Biblical Laws of Success

I have to admit I'm inherently suspicious of any think that claims to show how the Bible can bring about success in your career and business. I feel there are far too many books with such titles that attempt to lay down a set of steps to an end that simply attach proof texts to each step to be biblical. I do not feel this book falls into this category and in particular, appreciated the author's introduction and conclusion where they clearly point to Christ and reinforce that being successful in business is only temporary.

The 25 Laws are broken up into 5 parts; Wisdom, Work, Values, Relationships and Personal Growth. Each part contains 5 short chapters covering one of the laws. Each chapter contains both a scriptural backing as well as examples from the world around the authors. There is then a final section containing 7 sins against success which outline things that can derail one's success. Each chapter is short and easy to read with most chapters being about 5 pages. This makes it a book that is easily digested in small bites, which I would actually recommend. As each chapter addresses a single issue, most are worth a time of reflection, depending on where the reader is at in their own lives. The drawback to these short chapters is that they can at times, feel pithy and simply a collection of sayings and Bible verses, but it does make for an easier read.

If you have read a range of leadership books, particularly of "laws" of leadership books, much of this may sound familiar. If that is the case, one thing I did appreciate about this book is that the authors are not American and thus do approach the topics from a different perspective, which is often refreshing. If you haven't read much in the way of Christian leadership books, this could be a great place to start. This book could also be a good one to work through with a small group of people seeking live their lives in a more biblical manner and to build up their character. Overall, I'd say this is a good book in that it is clear and concise but at the same time is another take on good principles that have been covered by many others.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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