Monday, July 14, 2014

The Story of God, Story of Us - Review

"The Story of God, Story of Us" by Sean Gladding is one of the best books I've read in this past year. Gladding sets out to do something desperately needed in Christian thinking today, namely get a handle on the big story of the Bible.

Gladding starts his retelling of the grand biblical narrative with an evening gathering of the Jewish exiles gathering at the end of their work week by river of Babylon. As the exiles gather the young who have never known their homeland are beginning to express their frustration at their situation on of their wise elders tells them to know who they really are they must know who their God is. It is only in the knowning of the story of a God can they find their own story. As we journey through the telling of the story of God we learn together purpose, meaning and value that God has imprinted into us all. 

The New Testament is told by a leader in an early house church sharing the Story as it sees fulfilment through the promised Christ. The audience is a curious traveller who has heard of these Christians and wants to know more. The Story he hears encapsulated the Gospel and gives us a wonderful retelling that is easily shared and understood. 

Gladding has put the grand narrative of the Bible into a very engaging and accessible retelling of it allowing you to entering into the story of God and begin to see our own stories within it

Buy it here:

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