Miscarriage is not a common topic of conversation in many circles and yet it is something that touches many, many lives. If you have not experienced this yourself, you probably know someone who has, even if they've never spoken of it. It is not something that has touched our family directly but has touched a number we care about. Because it is something not often talked about I was encouraged when I saw this book by Adriel Booker because I was hopeful it would provide comfort to many who hurt and ache in silence.
What jumped out at me as a dad and pastor, was the inclusion of a letter to dads in the back written by the author's husband. Though I've never lost a child, we do have a child with Down Syndrome for whom I went through a period of mourning and grief. Though my pain is not the same as that the Bookers, or anyone else who has lost a baby, there is still commonality and I found comfort in another dad sharing his grief.
Two other appendices that are included provide ideas for memorializing your child and helping your other children process their grief. Though mothers certainly carry the heaviest burden in the loss of child and it is for them this book is written, the rest of the family must not be forgotten.
As a man, I cannot honestly discern how much comfort this would be to a woman walking this road of grief but I can say it certainly gives a window into the heart and mind of a woman who is. As a pastor, I would say this book is worth having for the appendices because as you do life with the people in your congregation, you will walk this journey with someone at some point. I would also recommend having a copy on hand ready to give to one who needs it, I do.
I received this book from Baker Books and was not required to write a positive review.
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